Dyson LightCycle

A smart, connected task light range engineered to support your body clock by tracking natural light at your time, date and location. Involved in product concept design, UI/UX, and software development as well as creating the strategy for positioning Dyson as a thought leader in smart lighting for health & wellbeing.


We spend up to 90% of our time indoors. So our new light tracks daylight and transforms for different uses – providing the right light throughout the day.

Jake Dyson, Chief Engineer

Conducted literature reviews with Neuroscientists at Oxford University to set product performance specifications, scope user trials designed to demonstrate efficacy and provide legal substantiation for market claims. Topics included:

  • The effects of light on our body clock

  • Eyestrain caused by flicker and glare

  • The effects of light on acute alertness

  • The effects of brightness and colour on mood

  • The effects of light on sleep inertia

Brought this work to life through writing and recording Dyson marketing videos.


Created a definition of natural light for any date, time or location was created and validated it using statistical data analysis of atmospheric simulations in python, C and Matlab and an experimental database of over 1 million daylight recordings. Definition used to develop software for a range of connected smart lighting products that match local daylight and to provide the legal substantiation sitting behind marketing material and the headline product claim.

Paired with psycho-physic experiments to understand the perceived “naturalness” of a light in terms of CIE 1974 u’10 v’10, TM-30-15 Rf, TM-30-15 Rg and luminous flux; Metrics which together fully define a user’s physical visual response to a light in order to set tolerances.


Dyson Morph


Dyson Cu-Beam